Astronomy 3090: Observational Astronomy

Instructor: Dr. Andy Layden

Office: 112 Overman Hall, 419-372-8653, laydena(at)bgsu(dot)edu

Text: Pathways to Astronomy, (2009) by Schneider & Arny (any edition, optional)

Class Schedule: MW 8:30-9:45 pm in 184 Overman Hall (or Observatory, or Planetarium)

Office Hours: MW 3:30-4:20pm, TR 12-1pm, F 2:30-3:20, or by appointment

Overview: In this course, you will learn the principles and methods of astronomical observing through hands-on activities with the BGSU Observatory telescopes. We will practice the techniques of good science: systematic and well-planned observations, careful recording of observations and data, and reflection on your findings in the context of what is known about astronomy. The level and scope are appropriate to give you a solid background for a lifetime of amateur astronomy, or as a starting point for a professional career in astronomy.

Current Reading (for HW#2 due Mon Aug 27):

Basic Class Stuff:

Other Interesting Stuff:

ACL --Fall 2012