Astronomy 3090: Observational
Instructor: Dr.
Andy Layden
Office: 112 Overman Hall,
419-372-8653, laydena(at)bgsu(dot)edu
Text: Pathways to Astronomy, (2009) by Schneider & Arny (any edition, optional)
Class Schedule:
MW 8:30-9:45 pm in 184 Overman
Hall (or Observatory, or Planetarium)
Office Hours: MW 3:30-4:20pm, TR 12-1pm, F 2:30-3:20, or by
Overview: In this course, you will learn the principles and methods of astronomical observing through hands-on activities with the BGSU Observatory telescopes. We will practice the techniques of good science: systematic and well-planned observations, careful recording of observations and data, and reflection on your findings in the context of what is known about astronomy. The level and scope are appropriate to give you a solid background for a lifetime of amateur astronomy, or as a starting point for a professional career in astronomy.
Current Reading (for HW#2 due Mon Aug 27):
Basic Class Stuff:
- Note: always bring to class
your calculator, notebook, pen/pencil.
- Syllabus (PDF format)
- Target dates for Practical Exams:
- #1 Naked-Eye Observing -- Sep 1-8
- #2 8-in Telescopes: Sep 20
- #3 20-in Telescope: Oct 4
- Answers to selected homeworks and activities, along with grades, at
- Quick access to links used in homework assignments
- Other useful and interesting links
- Celestial Names and Magnitudes
- Greek alphabet (litterally, alpha, beta, ...) used in star names (alpha Per, omicron Ceti, etc)
- Constellations - defining regions of the night sky; star and object names.
- US Naval Observatory "Data Services" including Sun/Moon rise/set/twilight, etc.
- Monthly starcharts (with planets, great for printing out) from the Sudekum Planetarium.
- Sky & Telescope Observing Highlights and Interactive Sky Chart.
- Solar System Orrery (watch the planets orbit with real dates; good for setting up Planet Board).
- Planet Finder Charts: Pluto, Uranus & Neptune
- Some objects worth finding with the 8-in telescopes (ACL's picks).
- Catalogs of Celestial Objects and Information Sources.
- Messier Catalog listed in R.A. order (thanks to SEDS).
- Wide field Messier Star Charts for star-hopping with 8-in telescopes (or try25x39° FOV) .
- Narrow Messier Finder Charts -- use binocular Chart (10x14°) for context then Telescope Chart (5x7°) to home in..
- Neil and Andy's Seeing Page and movies of speckle patterns due to seeing (also this movie from here).
- Simulated effects of light polution on an astronomical image.
- Descriptions and pictures of Double Stars, Star Clusters, Nebulae, & Galaxies.
- US Naval Observatory Data Services & Astronomical Almanac online (tables of Sun, Moon, Planet phenomena).
- Other Astronomical Tools for rise/set/airmass as fn(time) for any RA/Dec, etc.
- Geocentric equatorial coordianates (RA/Dec) of 7 planets
- Daily Asteroid Ephemeris -- get RA/Dec for your favorite bright asteroid!
- Convert between UT date/time (in hh:mm:ss) and Julian Date (decimal days).
- Convert beween equatorial and galactic coordinates.
- Astrophotography/CCD
Projects -- ground rules,
expectations, and possible topics.
- Astrophotography
Exposure Time
- CCD Observing
Procedure: (1)
Basic, (2) Advanced.
- Weather sites:
- Fall 2010 Observing Project Showcase (for now it has Instructions and a Sample Project)
- Tips from Sky & Telescope on buying telescopes and binoculars.
- Telephone Numbers: Observatory Control Room
2-8123, 0.5-m Dome 2-1604.
Other Interesting Stuff:
- Academic
Success Techniques videos
from Dartmouth,
including Note-taking
- Ohio
State Education Standards relating to
-- what teachers need to
- Significant Figures: Counting the number of, Adding/Subtracting of, Multiplying/Dividing of, and a "Fable".
- Other
Astronomy Links
-- lots of material for amateur
- Astro
Picture of the Day -- a daily
glimpse of astronomy as it unfolds.
- Latest news
from NASA -- recent findings from
satellites, etc (sign up for email updates).
- Space
Weather forecasts -- solar
activity, geomagnetic storms, northern lights, meteors, etc.
- Telescopes! NOAO
- Satellite tracker -- know when to look for ISS, Shuttle, etc.
- Physics
and Astronomy Music
-- toe-tappin' fun.
ACL --Fall 2012