Astrophotography/CCD Projects

Requirements for a grade of "C" and "A":

Good quality black/white astrophotographs (film) that you obtained, developed, and printed yourself: one (1) => C, three (3) ==> A,


Good quality color astrophotographs (film) that you obtained and had professionally developed and printed: four (4) => C, ten (10) => A,


Good quality black/white CCD images that you obtained: five (5) => C, twelve (12) => A,


Good quality color CCD images that you obtained: one (1) => C, four (4) ==> A.

More and better photos will improve your grade beyond this level. Feel free to mix color with b/w photos and/or CCD images in your final project presentation. Project grades will be based on the quality and quantity of images, choice of subjects, supporting information, and quality of presentation.


These projects are due in class on Wed Dec 8, where you will present them as part of the "Astr 309 Project Fair." The idea here is that research projects are to share and learn from. You will present your project during a 5-10 min talk to the class. You can present your photos or CCD pictures in one or more of the following formats:

  1. as a digital presentation, preferably in PowerPoint [see caution on PPT versions],
  2. on overhead transparencies[see Andy for overhead transparencies, pens, or other material you may need],
  3. on a poster or in an album to hand around.

You may work with one or more partners on the project, though the expectations are greater for a partnered project. If your project is partnered, be clear to indicate that it is so!

Include a description of what you observed, what you were hoping to demonstrate with your observations, and include all relevant information about the images. Some projects may involve additional studies (for example, history of constellations, temperatures/colors of stars, etc) which you should present in an interesting and informative way for your fellow students.

We want more than just a slideshow of pretty pictures -- we want some informational content about the techniques you used, successes and failures you experienced, and some science/astronomy about the objects you observed (relate your pictures back to your Astr 201/212 intro astronomy courses). That is, we want to share your information with other students, so they can learn from your experience. Burnham's Celestial Handbook is a great resource for this project. It contains lots of interesting information on constellations, stars, and individual objects. It is available in the Observatory control room and at the Math and Science Library. Norton's Sar Atlas and The Observer's Handbook are other good resources (especially for choosing targets and getting coordinates). You can use the web too, but choose your sources carefully since not everything on the web is 100% accurate! See Andy if you would like to borrow Astr 201/212 textbook for background.

Also, remember Andy's mantra for the course: be consistent and systematic -- take a scientific approach -- in your observations. This will take different forms in different topics (see below). For example, you might take CCD images of many different globular clusters and compare/contrast their properties. Or, you might observe a single cluster using several different techniques (tripod photo, piggyback photo, photo through 8-inch telescope, photo at prime focus of the 0.5-m telescope, CCD image with the 0.5-m tel) and compare contrast the results. Observing different targets with different media doesn't offer the same systematic approach to observation.

Here is a sample project that shows some of the do's and don'ts.

Email or phone Andy (laydenatbgsudotedu or 2-8653) if you have questions or concerns about your project. I'm happy to talk with your and give you feedback and guidance along the way. The goal is for you to enjoy doing a more involved project, and to share the experience with your classmates.

Possible Topics:

I. Astrophoto/Tripod:

II. Astrophoto/Piggyback:

III. Astrophoto/Prime Focus of 8-inch Telescope:

IV. CCD/Prime Focus of 0.5-m Telescope:

V. Make up your own project. If you chose this option, please discuss your plans with Andy to ensure it is suitable before you invest time in it. Here are some possibile projects courtesy of Sky and Telescope magazine.

Image Information:

It is always important to include with your photograph/image (1) the time and date of the exposure, (2) the exposure time, (3) the sky conditions (especially sky brightness due to lights and/or moon), (4) the film and paper used (if photo), (5) f/stop setting (if you used the camera lens), (6) the CCD filter used (if any). This enables others to compare their work with yours and get tips from your experience. It is common practice when sending an astrophograph to one of the amateur magazines or websites (see for an example).

It is also useful to provide supporting information. What is the subject named? What type of object is it? How big and how far away is it. Is there anything unusual or noteworthy about it? If you have photos of different objects, compare their properites. You can get this information from the Observer's Handbook, Burnham's Celestial Handbook (copy available on desk in observatory control room), or from the web:

Andy Layden -- Fall 2006