Astr 309: Objects worth viewing with the 8-in telescopes
Moon: a must see, especially near the terminator where shadows are long and craters look "3D"
Planets: best near opposition, but always good. Uranus and Neptune are a challenge, Pluto may not be possible.
Double Stars:
- Alberio (beta Cygni) -- bright, easy to find, great color contrast with good separation
- Alcor/Mizar (zeta Ursae Majoris) -- the "rider" is 11.8' away, the "horse" is a binary with 14.6" separation
- epsilon Lyrae -- the "double double", its easy to "split" the main pair, with good seeing you'll see each "star" is actually a binary
Star Clusters:
- M13 -- the great globular cluster in Hercules
- M15 -- a globular cluster in Pegasus
- h & chi Persii -- the "double cluster," two nearby open clusters
- M42 -- the Great Nebula in Orion (late fall)
- M1 -- the Crab Nebula supernova remnant (late fall)
- M57 -- the Ring Nebula, a planetary nebula in Lyra
- M27 -- a larger, more diffuse planetary nebula that M57
- M31 -- the Andromeda galaxy
- M32 -- a dwarf elliptical galaxy, a companion to M31
- M33 -- a smaller, fainter spiral galaxy in the local group
Andy Layden -- Aug 2010