Stargazes are held for students in introductory astronomy courses. During these sessions, students are encouraged to participate in active learning as they find the constellations in the sky and look through the telescopes at a variety of objects they have studied in their classes. These stargazes are conducted by students who are members of the Stargaze Staff.
Stargazes are held on most weeks of the academic year on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays beginning at 9:30 pm and 10:30 pm and on Sundays at 10:00 pm, weather permitting. During the summer semester, they are normally held beginning at 11:00 pm on the first clear night of Monday through Thursday. On nights that stargazes are scheduled, students may call 419-372-8831 (beginning one hour before the first scheduled stargaze) for a recorded message telling whether the stargaze can be held or must be canceled due to bad weather.
The Observatory is also open to the public for stargazing and viewing through the 0.5-meter telescope during the academic year following the weekend planetarium shows, weather permitting. In public stargazes, visitors experience the sky first-hand and take away information and stories that contribute to their enjoyment of Astronomy.