Summer Jobs in Astronomy Research at BGSU

*** $7.50 per hour * 40 hrs per week * 8 to 12 weeks * flexible hours and dates ***

Your work could include any or all of the following (at your discretion):

1) Research observing with the BGSU 0.5-meter telescope and digital camera. One or more nights per week. No observing experience is required.

2) Analysis of the above data using UNIX workstations and various software packages. The research goal is to determine the brightness and color changes of 10-20 pulsating variable stars, in an effort to make them useful tools for measuring the amount of dust between the stars.

3) Analysis of existing images of variable stars in globular clusters using UNIX workstations and various software. Opportunities exist for writing FORTRAN or C analysis code. The science goal is to discover new variable stars in these unstudied clusters.

4) Analysis of images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope using UNIX workstations and various software to search for variable stars. We expect there to be a number of eclipsing binary stars present in these images; knowing their orbital periods and sizes may help us determine the stars' distance.

Participants are encouraged to write up their results as part of an article for publication in a refereed astronomy journal. Here is an example of a paper to which a previous summer student (Laura Ritter) contributed.

All required training will be provided. Some experience with quantitative math and science is required (for example, introductory physics or calculus). Completion of one or more astronomy courses is required, as is a solid level of comfort and experience with computers. Serious committment and an ability to work independently are required for this challenging but mentally stimulating position. Full-time work is preferred, but applications for part-time work (especially observing) will be considered.

The job may be continued into the academic term at the 5-10 hour/week level.

Applications from pre-service teachers in Math and Science are strongly encouraged.

For more information, email or phone Dr. Andy Layden (419-372-8653). To apply for a position, fill in this application form and return to Dr. Andy Layden (Physics & Astronomy Dept., 104 Overman Hall, BGSU, Bowing Green, OH 43403). Applications will be accepted until March 1, 2001 or until the positions are filled.

Funded through a grant from the National Science Foundation.