ZEROCOMBINE: input = "*bias*.imh" List of zero level images to combine (output = "Zero") Output zero level name (combine = "average") Type of combine operation (reject = "sigclip") Type of rejection (ccdtype = "") CCD image type to combine (process = no) Process images before combining? (delete = no) Delete input images after combining? (clobber = no) Clobber existing output image? (scale = "none") Image scaling (statsec = "") Image section for computing statistics (nlow = 1) minmax: Number of low pixels to reject (nhigh = 1) minmax: Number of high pixels to reject (nkeep = 1) Minimum to keep (pos) or maximum to reject (neg (mclip = yes) Use median in sigma clipping algorithms? (lsigma = 2.5) Lower sigma clipping factor (hsigma = 2.5) Upper sigma clipping factor (rdnoise = "0") ccdclip: CCD readout noise (electrons) (gain = "0") ccdclip: CCD gain (electrons/DN) (snoise = "0.") ccdclip: Sensitivity noise (fraction) (pclip = -0.5) pclip: Percentile clipping parameter (blank = 0.) Value if there are no pixels (mode = "ql")