=== Easy Bootstrap Shortcode === Contributors: oscitas Link: http://www.osCitasthemes.com Tags: Wordpress Shortcodes, Wordpress Bootstrap, Wordpress Bootstrap Shortcode, Bootstrap, Responsive pages, Editor plugin, Bootstrap Shortcode, TinyMCE Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.4 Stable tag: 4.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Donate link: http://oscitasthemes.com/support-our-free-plugins/ Easy Bootstrap Shortcode enable you to add bootstrap 3.0.3 styles in your pages, post and custom post in simplest manner. == Description == >For plugin support go to [http://support.oscitasthemes.com](http://support.oscitasthemes.com) >Ready for Wordpress 4.3 and support Twitter 3.2.0 Easy Bootstrap Shortcode is bootstrap 3.2.0 compatible plugin which add icons to wordpress editor (tinyMCE Shortcode Buttons) and one can add bootstrap style to their website just by clicking on tinyMCE editor icon. = New improved EBS-Pro Version = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E8858NiXVA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T0IC1PsdTw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuGVnOCMwJI >[DEMO](http://demo.oscitasthemes.com/osc_ebsp_demo/) | [PRO VERSION](http://oscitasthemes.com/downloads/easy-bootstrap-shortcodes-pro/) | [DOCUMENTATION](http://oscitasthemes.com/documentation/easy-bootstrap-shortcodes/) = Just by one setting, you can use bootstrap styles in your themes, which are not bootstrap based themes using Bootstrap Shortcodes = = Features: = * simplest bootstrap style plugin ever. * IE 6+ compatible * Bootstrap 3.0.3 compatible. * 500+ Font-Awesome & Glyphicons Icon Fonts * No need to paste shortcode in editor. * Add icons to editor. * Shortcode added to editor by clicking on icon. * Customize grid size on small, extra-small and medium sized screens. * More control over the css, you can add your own custom class to shortcodes. * Now you can use js file from CDN or disable the plugin js. * You can use your own css file by disabling the plugin css, which gives you more flexibility over styling. * New sidebar widget to show shortcodes in sidebars and footer * New option to give custom shortcode prefix. >Note : This settings is provided to remove the shortcode confliction with any other existing shortcode, but be careful while changing the Shortcode Prefix, as existing shortcodes (created with EBS Plugin) will not work if changed the existing prefix. So we advice to change it when you install the plugin. Easy Bootstrap Shortcode provides following styles = Grid Columns = 1. Add multiple columns in a row 2. Choose desired column width 3. Add offset to columns 4. Provide facility to customize a column according to medium, small and extra-small sized screens. 5. Responsive columns = Shortcodes for = 1. Accordion (Collapsible Menus) 2. Tabs 3. List 4. Notification 5. Popover 6. Tooltip 7. Panel 8. Progress Bars with labels 9. Icons (250 Glyphicons & also support Fontawesome Icons) 10. Labels 11. Buttons 12. Icon Heading 13. Tables 14. Responsive Image 15. Image Effects (Round, Thumbnail, Square) 16. Well 17. Button Dropdown 18. Button Group 19. Button Group Toolbar 20. Description List 21. Service Box 22. Responsive slider 23. Badges 24. Jumbotron Many more shortcodes coming soon..... >Note : we have removed the Line Separator, Dropcaps, Youtube & Vimeo video, Boxesframes, Horizontal Rule, Testimonial, Section Heading, Social, Lead,Page Header, Highlights shortcodes as these are PRO version features, which were committed to free version by mistake. = How to embed this plugin to your theme = We have provided few new settings so that anybody can give inbuilt compatibility with our plugin. Such as if you are creating theme/plugin and want to use our plugin, to give your users more flexibility to add responsive content, however you like to use your own custom css/js files. So now you can do this. = People's view = * [10+ Amazing WordPress Bootstrap Plugins](http://www.indexwp.com/wordpress-bootstrap-plugins/) * [10+ Best WordPress Bootstrap Plugins | WP Template](http://www.wptemplate.com/plugins/wordpress-bootstrap-plugins.html) * [18 New Free Bootstrap WordPress Widgets](http://inspirationkeys.com/wordpress/bootstrap-wordpress-widgets/) * [Top 30 Free Wordpress Shortcode Plugins](http://www.qasimbaig.com/2014/03/free-wp-shortcode-plugins.html) * [45+ Free WordPress Shortcode plugins/widgets](http://www.nextdesignweb.com/2014/04/free-wordpress-shortcode-plugins.html) * [75+ Best WordPress Shortcodes Plugins](http://www.designrazzi.net/2014/wordpress-shortcodes-plugins/) * [Easy Bootstrap Shortcode Recommended Plugins](http://www.designwall.com/question/looking-for-documentation-on-dw-shortcodes-bootstrap/) * [Easy Bootstrap Shortcode Recommended Plugins](http://ipanelthemes.com/kb/wp-knowledge-base-theme/kb-plugins/easy-bootstrap-shortcode/) * [Paid themes using EBS](http://www.themeguider.com/portfolio/dagoiday/) If you'd like to contribute to this plugin, you can find it [hosted on GitHub](https://github.com/oscitasthemes/Easy-Bootstrap-Shortcode). Follow us [@Twitter](https://twitter.com/oscitasthemes), [@facebook](https://www.facebook.com/oscitaswebsolution), [@google+](https://plus.google.com/109122908951553852347/posts) == FAQ == >For plugin support go to [http://support.oscitasthemes.com](http://support.oscitasthemes.com) = Q. How To Embed Easy Bootstrap Shortcodes Into Your Theme? = Ans: Check this [link](http://oscitasthemes.com/embed-easy-bootstrap-shortcodes-theme/). = Q. How To Add Custom Css In EBS? = Ans: Check this [link](http://oscitasthemes.com/add-custom-css-ebs-pro/). == Installation == 1.Upload: Unzip easy_bootstrap_shortcode.zip file, and upload all files to your blog folder: /wp-content/plugins/easy_bootstrap_shortcode 2.Activate: In the admin panel, find Plugins->Plugins,click it, active Easy Bootstrap Shortcode. 3.Use: Now you can see the few new buttons in the TinyMCE Editor in post and pages, use these buttons to create great responsive pages/posts content. It's that simple ... just what the name suggests == Screenshots == 1. how it looks after installation 2. different shortcode options this plugin provides 3. Easy Bootstrap Shortcode Pro 4. You can create this kind of page content very easily. 6. mobile view 7. few samples which can be created using this plugin == Changelog == >= Note : we have removed the Line Separator, Dropcaps, Youtube & Vimeo video, Boxesframes, Horizontal Rule, Testimonial, Section Heading, Social, Lead,Page Header, Highlights shortcodes as these are PRO version features, which were committed to free version by mistake. = = 4.5.4 = * [Fixes] Resolved the scripts 404 error. * [Update] Added screen shots of PRO version. = 4.5.3 = * [Fixes] Resolved js localization issue, which show up after last update.. = 4.5.2 = * [Fixes] Resolved the scripts 404 error, after making some changes :) in the solution provided by Baden. * [Fixes] Fixed the image issue for dropdown button. = 4.5.1 = * [Update] Updated slider shortcode as per the suggestion by TheFitCoder. = 4.5.0 = * [Update] Now language support is there. = 4.4.6 = * [Update] Now support the style option for table shortcode. * [Fixes] Removed the
tag from tabs. = 4.4.5 = * [Update] Fixed the widget constructor method for WP 4.3. = 4.4.4 = * [Update] Option to add the "rel" attribute for links in button. = 4.4.3 = * [Update] Implemented the EBS Session setting to set either you want to use the EBS Session management functionality or not. It will help you in case EBS Session create any issue as few users facing this issue. = 4.4.2 = * [Fixes] Now close session only if session is started by EBS plugin, to remove conflict with other plugins session. = 4.4.1 = * [Fixes] Resolved the undefined function issue in dynamic css. = 4.4.0 = * [Fixes] Session issue patch provided by Vloo. = 4.3.9 = * [Update] Resolved the undefined index warning issue. = 4.3.8 = * [Update] Updated to latest Glyphicons. = 4.3.7 = * [Update] New option to select the target and alternate text in Responsive Image shortcode. * [Update] New option to select the target in tooltip shortcode. = 4.3.6 = * [Update] Button icon issue resolved. = 4.3.5 = * [Update] Now you can add html to Popover Shortcode. = 4.3.4 = * [New] New shortcode for jumbotron = 4.3.3 = * [New] New shortcode for bagdes * [Update] Font Awesome icons updated * [Update] Bootstrap updated to 3.2.0 = 4.3.2 = * [fixes] Image upload issue fixed. = 4.3.1 = * [fixes] Icon disappear issue resolved. = 4.3.0 = * [Update] New option to give custom shortcode prefix. * [Update] New design. = 4.2.3 = * [Update] Now support font awesome, you just have to enable it from settings page. = 4.2.2 = * [fixes] Committed missing css file. = 4.2.1 = * [fixes] Committed missing js file. = 4.2.0 = * [fixes] Fixed tinyMCE dropdown for EBS. = 4.1.0 = * [fixes] Now ready for Wordpress 3.9 too. = 4.0.0 = * [fixes] Created new stable tag. = 3.7.0 = * [New] Implemented the new shortcode widget to add shortcode to sidebars/footer. = 3.6.0 = * [Fixes] Resolved issue of using mce_external_plugins function. = 3.5.0 = * [Fixes] Custom css was not working for non bootstrap themes issue resolved. * [Fixes] Session warring issue in service box shortcode. = 3.4.0 = * [Fixes] Function undefined issue resolved. = 3.3.0 = * [Fixes] Service box circle issue resolved. = 3.2.0 = * [Fixes] Session issue in Service Box Shortcode is fixed. = 3.1.0 = * [update] Added new responsive slider shortcode. * [Update] Added fit text effect to make text responsive for slider. * [Fixes] Changed Toggle Shortcode caption to Toggl/Accordion Shortcode, as suggested by users = 3.0.0 = * [Fixes] Allow Html tags in popover. * [Fixes] Changed Table button title in wysiwyg editor. = 2.7.3 = * [New] Icon Font support in Tabs, List Group and Toggle Shortcodes = 2.7.2 = * [Fixes] List Shortcode not working = 2.7.1 = * [New] Font Awesome Icons (400+ Icon Fonts : http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ ) * [New] Custom Button Option in "Button Shortcode"(Now can add choice Colours of Button/Link) = 2.7.0 = * [New] 11 New Shortcodes(Line Separator, Dropcaps, Youtube & Vimeo video, Boxesframes, Horizontal Rule, Testimonial, Section Heading, Social, Lead,Page Header, Highlights). = 2.6.1 = * [Fixes] Few missing icon issue resolved. * [Fixes] Icon Heading not working issue resolved. * [Fixes] Custom CSS Classes not working with images shorcode. = 2.6.0 = * [Update] Now you don't need bootstrap based theme to use Bootstrap Shortcodes Plugin. Just by one setting, you can use bootstrap styles in your themes, which are not bootstrap based themes. = 2.5.3 = * [Update] Now you can add Top and Bottom Margin in Service Box Shortcode Icon Container. * [Update] Now you can add different size of button in Service Box Shortcode. * [Update] Now you can have different style of Icon background in Service Box Shortcode like Circle, Square box, Rounded Corner box. = 2.5.2 = * [New] New Shortcode Service Box added in Optional Dropdown Menu in TinyMCE Editor. * Remove Default color of Service box. = 2.5.1 = * [New] New Shortcode Service Box. * Look modify of EBS Setting Page = 2.5 = * [New] Custom CSS Option in EBS Setting Page. = 2.4.8 = * [Fixed] CSS file priority order change. = 2.4.7 = * [Fixed] Image issue resolved for setting page. = 2.4.6 = * Add Icons for new Dropdown menu in TinyMCE Editor. = 2.4.5 = * Add New Dropdown Menu Option in TinyMCE Editor. = 2.4.4 = * [Fixed] css for admin popups. = 2.4.3 = * [Fixed] Few js issues. * [Fixed] css for admin popups. = 2.4.2 = * [Fixed] Resolved the image upload issue in Thumbnail and Image Shortcodes. = 2.4.1 = * [Fixed] Removed the Fancybox. = 2.4.0 = * [Update] Updated to Twitter Bootstrap 3.0.3. * [Update] Choose custom color option for icon in Icons Shortcode. * [Update] Choose font size option for icon in Icons Shortcode. * [Update] Choose custom color option for icon in Icon Heading Shortcode. * [Update] Choose custom color option for icon in Button Shortcode. = 2.3.6 = * [fixed] Button Group, Button Group Toolbar, Description List icon issues fixed. = 2.3.5 = * [update] Banner of Easy Bootstrap Shortcodes PRO Version in settings page. http://pawsbarkery.com/post.php = 2.3.4 = * [update] Implemented filter to add buttons to tinyMCE, Credit goes to Nikoya. * [Fixed] Added class to Columns shortcode popup. * [Fixed] Resolved issue 'Gravity Form not validating within plugin column shortcode' = 2.3.3 = * [update] Included respond.js to support IE 6,7,8. Of course, you can choose either you want to include it or not from settings page. * [update] New Shortcode to create Button Group * [update] New Shortcode to create Button Group Tool Bar * [update] New Shortcode to create Description List * [update] Yes, now Progress Bar shortcode supports Label too. = 2.3.2 = * [fixed] Fixed wpcolumns add class issues. = 2.3.1 = * [update] Clear left functionality added in responsive columns. Credit goes to Nikoya. * [update] Added class to dialog box. Credit goes to Nikoya. * [update] Bootstrap css and js updated to v3.0.2 * [fixed] Undefined index issue in toggles. = 2.3.0 = * [Update] now supports filters, so that you can easily give inbuilt support to this plugin to create responsive themes (Suggested by Swashata). * [Update] Implemented support of "in" class for toggles = 2.2.5 = * [fixed] bootstrap icon css in frontend issue resolved. * [fixed] Column col-xx-12 issue resolved, now it will add col-xx-12 to columns = 2.2.4 = * [fixed] On plugin activation TinyMCE visual editor disappear issue resolved. = 2.2.1 = * [Update] Removed the extra table dependency to save the plugin settings * [fixed] css file location settings issue. = 2.2.0 = * [Update] now you can set the visibility of columns or full row for different screen such as large, medium, small, ex-small = 2.1.1 = * [Update] now use min files for bootstrap js/css files and css files for admin * [fixed] Button shortcode target(Open in new window) flag not working issue. * [fixed] tabs issue = 2.0.0 = * [New] New shortcodes for labels, progressbar, image effect, responsive image, well, dropdown button, icons * [New] Settings option to add bootstrap.js from CDN, disable plugin js/css file. * [Update] More control over the css, you can add your own custom class to shortcodes. * [Update] In columns shortcode now you can add different offsets for different columns for different screen sizes such as medium, small, ex-small. = 1.1 = * fixed columns alternate color issue in admin panel