Help: The OutBox Page

The OutBox page lets you publish files on the Internet. Other users can view the files or copy them to their own systems.

You can customize the page using an HTML editor. The default editor is Mozilla Composer. When editing the page, take care not to remove the comment lines marked DO NOT REMOVE.

You can display a descriptive note on your OutBox page next to any published file. For example, to add a note to a file named information.html, create a file in the same folder and name it information.html.notes. The note file may contain either plain text or HTML markup.

Use the following buttons on the OutBox page to:

Customize the OutBox page.
Publish files on the OutBox page.
Manage published files.
Manage the OutBox site with Site Manager.1
Change the user's picture.2
Go to the system's Web page.
Get help.

1. The Site Manager icon appears in the OutBox toolbar only if Site Manager is installed on your system. Site Manager can be installed from the IRIX Applications CD.

2. The user's picture is captured from the system video camera. If there is no video camera installed on the system, the picture is captured from an area on the screen.