Help: The Camera Page

This page displays a single snapshot taken from the system's default video camera. If a camera isn't available, a generic image is displayed.

Use the following buttons on the camera page to:

Update the picture from the system's camera.
Go to the system's web page.
Get help.

Enabling the Camera

By default, the camera is disabled. To enable the camera for your system, log in as root and edit the file /var/www/cgi-bin/sgi-camera/snap/. Change the value of the variable camera to ENABLED, as in:
camera = "ENABLED"

To disable the camera, change the value to:
camera = "DISABLED"

IRIX 6.5.19 added an additional security feature for the O2 so that only the console user (not outbox) may access the O2 camera. The option was added to the Xstartup file, which prior to IRIX 6.5.26, requires manual editing to disable. In IRIX 6.5.26, we made this security feature optional via the chkconfig option mvpsecure. When mvspecure is enabled, only the console user may access the O2 camera. To find the current setting, run:
/sbin/chkconfig | grep mvpsecure

To enable mvpsecure, run:
/sbin/chkconfig mvpsecure on

To disable mvpsecure (and to enable outbox camera functionality), run:
/sbin/chkconfig mvpsecure off

Note that this additional security feature applies to O2 users only.

Adding the Camera Picture to a Web Page

You can include the camera picture from this system in another Web page by adding the line:
<IMG SRC="http://systemname/cgi-bin/sgi-camera/snap">

where systemname is the name of the system on which the camera resides.

Restricting Camera Access

See the Access Control page to learn how to restrict access to the directory /var/www/cgi-bin/sgi-camera.