Experiment 2


A. Measurements with Meter Stick

1.  Open the Worksheet and fill in the header information.

2.  Examine the meter stick to see that the ends are not damaged and that scale readings are visible. Select a zero mark from which to make all measurements and record this value in cell C9 on the Worksheet.

3.  Measure the length and diameter of each of the metal cylinders that are supplied. Be sure to place the meter stick as illustrated in Figure 2-3. Measure from your zero mark and record values on the Worksheet. Each measurement can be made to an accuracy of about 0.05 cm by estimating to the nearest half of a millimeter. Enter this value for uncertainty on the Worksheet in cell H9.

4.  Make three measurements of diameter and length for each cylinder and enter these in the table in cells A12 through H29 on the Worksheet.

5.  After all values have been entered, the spreadsheet will compute averages, volumes, and uncertainties for cylinders 1 through 3 according to the formulas noted on the Worksheet in rows 32 and 33.

6.  Click on cell D17. Look at the formula bar at the top of the spreadsheet. The equals sign alerts the spreadsheet to do a calculation. In this case, it uses a built-in function called AVERAGE. Note the syntax of the formula.

7.  Click on cell I17 and then cell J17. Notice how the formula is structured to compute the volume of the cylinder and its uncertainty.

8.  Complete the formula calculations for cylinder 4 by entering appropriate equations in cells D29:H29 and cells I29:J29.

B. Measurements with Triple Beam Balance

1.  Check the zero error of the triple beam balance and record the empty value (in grams) in cell D39 on the Worksheet.

2.  Determine the least count for the balance (in grams) and enter this value just below the zero error in cell D40 on the Worksheet. Measurement uncertainty is taken to be one-half the least count of the instrument. This value will appear on the Worksheet in cell D41 when you enter the least count.

3.  Measure and record the mass of each cylinder three times. Record the values in the table that covers cells A43:E55. After these values have been entered, the Worksheet will compute an average mass and density for cylinders 1 through 3, as well as uncertainties and standard deviations for these values.

4.  Complete the same calculations for cylinder 4 in cells D60:D61 and H52:K52. A graph of mass vs. volume for the four cylinders will also be prepared.

C. Measurements with Vernier and Micrometer Calipers

1.  Check the zero error of each instrument, and record these in cells D108:H108 on the Worksheet.

2.  Determine the least count of each instrument and record these in cells D109:H109 of the Worksheet.

3.  Measure the length of each cylinder three times using the vernier caliper, and measure the diameter of each cylinder three times using the micrometer. Record these values in the table that covers cells A112:H128 on the Worksheet.

4.  After all values have been entered, the spreadsheet will compute averages and uncertainties for you and will complete the density calculations for cylinders 1 through 4 in cells A146:E152, and graph the data on the Worksheet.

5.  Use the spreadsheet calculator to compute the average density of all the cylinders in cell D155; the standard deviation in cell D157; the standard deviation of the mean in cell D159; and, the average uncertainty in cell D161. Use spreadsheet functions as necessary.

HINT: Refer to cells J55:J61 to see what the appropriate functions are.