Experiment 13



1.  For frequency f1 determine the total distance between the first and last nodes in the standing wave pattern in meters, and enter the value in cell B25.

2.  Divide the total distance obtained above by the number of loops in the pattern to determine the distance between adjacent nodes, d. Enter the result in cell B26.

3.  Using the fact that the distance between adjacent nodes is one-half the wavelength, calculate the wavelength of the sound and enter it in cell B27.

4.  Calculate the velocity of sound in air for frequency f1, using v1 = f1λ. Enter the result in cell B28.

5.  Repeat the calculations in steps 1-4 (of the total distance between first and last nodes, the distance between adjacent nodes, the wavelength, and the velocity of the sound) for frequency f2 and enter the results in cells C25:C28.

6.  Repeat the calculations in steps 1-4 for frequency f3 and enter the results in cells D25:D28.

7.  From the three values you found for the velocity of sound in air at the temperature of the laboratory, calculate the average velocity of sound, vavg, and enter this value in cell D30.

8.  Compare your value for vavg with the calculated value in cell D35 and compute the percentage difference. Enter this value in cell D36.

9.  From the data in cells E17:E22, determine the total distance between the first and last maxima and enter it in cell E25, and then enter the distance between nodes, d, in cell E26, and the wavelength, λ, of the unknown frequency in cell E27.

10.  Using your average velocity of sound, calculate the unknown frequency, fx, from fx = vavg /λ and enter the value in cell E32.

11.  Submit the completed Worksheet as part of your lab report.