Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Setting Up Your Environment To Run Java

This document describes how to set environment variables for running Java correctly.

The description below assumes that you have installed Java in the default location. If you used the -r option to inst or swmgr to install Java in an alternate location, then you should prepend that location to all instances of /usr/java below.

The setenv commands given below assume that your command shell is csh or tcsh. If you are using a different shell, you will have to modify the commands accordingly.


All the JDK tools are located in /usr/java/bin. You can explicitly invoke them from there, or you can put that directory in your PATH with the following command:


CLASSPATH is the environment variable that several of the JDK tools use to determine where to load application classes from. It should be set to a colon-separated list of directories, for example:

It should include the locations of any Java packages/applications on your machine that you would like to be able to use from any directory. If there are no such locations, it is best not to set CLASSPATH at all. If you do set it, there are two things you should not include:

Should your CLASSPATH include "." (the current directory)?


LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the environment variable that java uses to determine where to load native code DSO's from. It should be set to a colon-separated list of directories, for example:

It should include the directories containing native code DSO's for any Java packages/applications on your machine that you would like to be able to use from any directory. If there are no such locations, it is best not to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH at all. If you do set it, you should not include locations of system DSO's (e.g., /usr/java/lib/sgi/green_threads or /usr/lib) for reasons similar to those mentioned above for CLASSPATH.

If you always want to be able to run applications containing native code residing in your current working directory, you must include "." in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Java and other Java-based names are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., and refer to Sun's family of Java-branded technologies. Sun, Sun Microsystems, and the Sun Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.