Computational Physics at BGSU Physics and Astronomy

People in Computational Physics at BGSU
Dr. Comer Duncan (
Dr. Haowen Xi (

What is Computational Physics?
Use high performance computers to express the laws of nature as various kinds of equations
Using a high level language such as fortran 90 or C or C++ write computer programs to simulate some physical system of interest
The simulations make predictions about how physical systems behave

Computers at BGSU Physics and Astronomy
Ten SGI and Sun workstations
SGI Power Challenge with 4 processors
Compac/DEC alpha
At Ohio Supercomputer Center: 32 processor Origin2000, 128 Processor Cray T3E, plus others

How does Computational Physics Help?
Allows us to understand complicated systems since can simulate solutions of laws even if we can not solve the laws exactly
Helps  in understanding how nature works in regions that are not accessible
Helps supplement experiments and suggest experiments

An example: Simulations of Flow of Jets from Galaxies
Some galaxies emit large scale jets of ionized gases—maybe from black hole in the galaxy center
Observations strongly suggest that the jet material is moving very fast
We have simulated the flow of jet material with speeds very close to light speed—so Einstein’s theory of relativity is used in the work

Purpose of work:
Understand the conditions near the center of galaxies which result in these interesting fast moving jets
Help observational astronomers better direct their observations so we figure out what is really going on in the centers of galaxies

Movies of Jets
Two cases are shown in movies
Flow of a jet which is moving at 92% of light speed and
Flow of a jet which is moving at 99.4% of light speed
Conclusion:  The jets with speeds very close to light speed are more stable—hold themselves together much longer

How can we help?
Interested in simulations using computers [PC:need language compiler]?
Contact Dr. Duncan or Dr. Xi  for advice on doing simulations –they are great fun and you can learn a lot !!!