0.5m Open/Close Procedures


in the control room

  1. make sure the HALT MOTORS switch is latched in.
  2. turn on the power strip
  3. type tcs at the DOS prompt
  4. turn the DRIVES switch on (up)
  5. turn the TRACK switch on (up)
  6. set the TRACK/AUX TRACK switch to TRACK (up)
  7. release the HALT MOTORS switch so it is out
  8. set the DOME switch to TRACK
  9. wait for the focus initialization to finish
  10. turn the AUTODOME switch on

in the dome

  1. turn on the terminal in the dome
  2. open the dome, then unplug the shutter motor plug
  3. uncover the telescope
  4. check that the UT is correct; if not, fix it using "Set date and time" command
  5. slew to a bright star; if needed, use "Set telescope position" command


in the dome

  1. cover the telescope
in the control room or in the dome
2. turn the TRACK switch off set the TRACK RATE to zero (in Rates menu)
3. move the telescope to the zenith
(using SET ZENITH command)
move the telescope to the zenith
(using SET ZENITH command)
4. set the DOME switch to HOME set the DOME software switch to YES
set the DOME HOME software switch to YES
(using SET SWITCHES in MISC. menu)
5. set the DOME switch to OFF
(after the dome has reached home)
set the DOME software switch to NO
(after the dome has reached home)

in the dome

  1. close the dome shutters
  2. turn off the reticle lights

in the control room

  1. engage the HALT MOTORS so it is latched IN
  2. turn off the drives
  3. turn off the power strip

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