Help Page

`System Administrator Registration'

Selected Input Field Lengths

Please note that on some input fields you can enter words that go beyond the window in which case the field contents will scroll. You will be able to enter additional information until you hear a beep which indicates that you have reached the maximum allowable input for that field.

Salutation - This is an optional title. Examples are: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Prof., etc.

Full Company Name - Enter your official company name.

Div/Dept and Street Address Information - Enter your complete mailing address. If you have a division or department name in your address, place this on the first line, followed by the street address on the next line. If there is no division or department, begin entering the street address on the first line. Use the box below the Street Address lines for additional address information. Do not use abbreviations unless necessary.

Additional Address Information - Enter any applicable address descriptions such as Gate, Building, Room, Mail Stop, etc. in the table beneath the Street Address lines. If part of your address does not match any of the displayed address elements, enter it in the second Street Address field.

City - Please do not abbreviate the name of your city unless it is too long for the city field.

State/Prov - Use the standard post office abbreviations for your state (US residents) or province (Canadian residents).

Postal Code - Use the appropriate postal (zip) code. US residents can add their 4-digit extension if desired.

Phone and Fax Numbers - Include your area code when completing these fields.

E-Mail Address - Please enter the COMPLETE address to be used for E-mail sent to you from outside your company.