Displaying Existing Images with MaxIM_DL


1) The PC should be off. Start it up as usual by pressing the power button on the PC tower to the left of the monitor

2) Start the MaxIM_DL program by clicking the icon on the desktop.

3) To open an existing image, click on the file folder button in the upper-left of the tool bar, or select Open from the File menu, and selcect a picture to view. We keep our nicest astro pictures in the folder C:CCDImages/PrettyPix/. The images named "Shortcut to ???" are among our best pictures, but feel free to browse through the folders to find others.

4) Once an image is open, you can

4) You can open a large number of images at once, and choose between them by clicking on them.

5) When you are finished, close up all your images, exit MaxIM_DL, and shut down the computer (do not turn off the monitor).

Updated 2005 May 31 -- ACL